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VA strikes again

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REGISTERED NURSE (open continuous)

OUR MISSION: To fulfill President Lincoln's promise - "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" - by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's Veterans. As a VA professional, your opportunities are endless. With many openings in the multiple

Salary: $62,850.00 - $104,775.00 / Per Year Series & Grade: VN-0610-00/00 Location(s):

Open Period: 8/29/2014 to 12/31/2014 Announcement Number: TK-14-1181592CDM BU        





Physician Assistant (Cardiology)

OUR MISSION: To fulfill President Lincoln's promise - "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" - by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's Veterans. This vacancy is for one Physician Assistant position at the Albany Stratton VAMC. This va

Salary: $41,239.00 - $90,344.00 / Per Year Series & Grade: VN-0603-00/00 Location(s): Albany, New York Open Period: 7/31/2014 to 7/30/2015 Announcement Number: 528D-14BK-273 Department: Department Of Veterans Affairs Agency: Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Position Info: Full Time - Permanent Who May Apply:

United States Citizens



(above two jobs are with in 30 miles of each other)




Why does the VA not get why they can not hire PA?   





Humm we will pay a RN $15,000 MORE then a PA - this is stupid and embarrassing to the VA



We give orders to RNs and we get paid less???


no thanks 

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PAs in the VA system in which I work have been meeting regularly and discussing the blatant discrepancies in PA and NP salaries, as well as non-supportive and seeming arbitrary HR policies regarding PA bonuses, hiring and recruitment.   The question is whether anyone in management will listen.



How about bringing  these two jobs up as examples



there is this big push to hire more - coming from the VA director - but if they do not get their salary in line - they will only be able to hire the worst of the worst.....

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...or those willing to take a pay hit. Also, the VA has been the most friendly towards my National Guard career. All potential employers have been on board for AT and drills, but only the VA is ok with me pursuing the 'cool guy' schools like Undersea Medical Officer and Flight Surgeon. In a few weeks I should be able to share more info. I have an interview on Thursday at the SLC VA. Posted salary was 67K-97K. I will be walking in with 6+ years of experience as an Army Medic, fluency in Spanish, and an MPAS. I will post what the compensation panel comes back with. My guess is ~75K since I am a recent grad. I am also going to ask for the Education Debt Reduction Program/EDRP.

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