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Tablet for notes? Note taking apps?

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I was wondering if anyone had advice on what device is most useful for notes during pa school. I heard lectures are much too fast-paced for written notes so it is more helpful to have lectures pulled up and to take notes right on them. Most students have said a tablet is best for this. I have never owned a tablet and was wondering if anyone has recommendations on brand (ipad, surface pro, etc) and also if anyone knows of good note taking apps that allow you to take notes on PowerPoints, PDFs, etc.

Thanks! All tips are appreciated

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I'd go with an iPad and download the application "Notability". You can import PDFs, PPTs and all sorts of material to that application. It allows you to sort your imported material to folders, which makes it easy to separate different class material. Additionally, you can take notes and highlight pretty efficiently. Buy a good stylus and you should be set. This combination was a game changer in undergraduate!

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Open the presenter notes option on the PPT and type your notes directly below the slide. This helps keep your notes for that subject with the relevant slides. You can copy all that later in a word document if you want it consolidated.


IMO, typing on a fullsize keyboard is faster and more friendly than a tablet (typing or writing). Plus you only need one device.

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^^^. Macbook Air with full-size keyboard and note in Powerpoint at each slide as mentioned. Purchase with ed. discount through their website, and if you have a Discover card, use it for additional cash back through their Cashback program.

Just got a Macbook Air. Best laptop I've ever owned (first Apple too), love it.


OP, also consider that you will most likely be taking computerized tests in school and some tablets cannot run the required software. So you may still need a laptop.

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I like notability because with a good stylus it still has the feeling/look of using old spiral bound notebooks. (With the safety of never being able to loose your notes)


Something I don't like is when I want to attach a drawing into ppt while using a computer, it's a bit more difficult. And drawing in a computer is near impossible.


And I still have an air as well I just use that when I need a computer.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest MedLib42

Notability is good. I used iAnnotate for awhile with my iPad, because it makes it really easy to draw on the powerpoint slides with a stylus - and this was really helpful for anatomy. 


Eventually, however, I stopped using my iPad completely (as did many of my classmates), because as I think someone already mentioned, the classes were SO fast paced it was all I could do to keep up and typing on a full size keyboard was the only way I could manage that. If you're looking for a laptop note-taking program, Evernote is awesome - I love the organization and the fact that you can access your notes from anywhere.

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I lecture at a local PA program. I dont observe students taking notes on tablets. I do see a river of laptops. They are either annotating on the powerpoint or they are facebooking. I try to do a circuit around the room periodically to cut down on the last part but they are paying for it...

If you are accepted at a program, you may want to inquire about any technical requirements concerning electronic devices.

It has also been proven in several education studies that self generated hand written notes are better for learning and retention than typed.

I would caution that what worked in undergrad may not work in this environment. The workload and voluminous material will quickly overcome some of the most organized and notetaking should be much more focused rather than the copy everything the lecturer states process.

Some programs will employ techniques such as advance organizers to cut through the material to what is important. They may also have a faculty member serve as a content gatekeeper, separating what the program wants to deliver to its students vs what lecturers may bring to the podium. There are programs that have students develop their own portfolios of topics based upon objectives, syllabi or the content blueprint at the NCCPA.

Good luck

G Brothers PA-C

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I also highly recommend "Notability" which I have been using on the old Ipad 2. I spent the last two years finishing up pre-reqs for school and used it for everything from my chemistry classes, microbiology, orgo, A&P etc...  Dont think I printed out one lecture presentation the whole time. It is truly an amazing app and they continue to add great features to it, best $2.99 I have ever spent!

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