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Retake GRE?

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Guest MedLib42

Most schools ask that your scores fall at or above the 50th percentile, which all of yours do (writing 56%, quant 60%, verbal 74%). Those are actually really decent scores. Double check on the minimum scores set by the schools you're interested in and make sure you're meeting them (although I can't imagine minimums higher than what you've got). 


The GRE, for most schools, is typically something that doesn't hold much weight in the admissions decision. If you meet their minimum scores, it usually just becomes a box they check that you were able to meet their minimum GRE requirements. Getting a higher score doesn't necessarily mean you'll be more competitive - schools look at your GPA, health care experience, letters of recommendation and the interview as the main factors in the admissions decision more than GRE scores.


So no, with your scores, I wouldn't recommend retaking. 

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It mostly depends upon where you're applying and, secondarily, what the rest of your profile looks like.  But the advice I've been given matches what MedLib told you.  As long as you're applying to a few different schools and your application is strong overall, I'd be really happy with that score, if I were you.  As I understand, even (most of) the schools that require GREs consider them to be the least important part of the application.  That said, if you feel this is an anomaly and that you're fairly confident you could walk in tomorrow and score a 315, then go for it!  Otherwise, don't sweat it.  Good luck! 

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Absolutely not. You risk getting the same score or a lower score or only having marginal improvement.




Despite what you think, a 312 is actually a good score! Example: George Washington considers a score (or atleast they did last year) of 315 to be competitive.



With it still being a mystery as to whether or not most schools even care about the score, do not retake it. Spend your time, and your money elsewhere (aka save it for interviews)

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