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Cheap immunizations/titers before school?

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I've recently been accepted into a program (yay!) and now there's some immunizations and paperwork to get done.  Tdap, meningococcal, and flu for immunizations.  And MMR, varicella, and Hep B for titer lab reports to show immunity.  I've just recently passed the age limit to stay on my parents health insurance and so was curious of any cheap ways to get these done for an uninsured person.  Do you recommend community health clinics or just bite the bullet and go to a place like walmart/walgreens?  Thanks for any feedback.


*I'm in California if that makes any difference

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I had no health insurance right before I started school too. Thankfully, I had most of the titers drawn from my job because I worked in a hospital so I just had to get 1 done so I ended up just calling a couple of different community health clinics and asking for the price of the titer and a physical. Ended up finding a clinic that did it for $60 less than the other clinics.

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