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CVS- Stops tobacco sales; "CVS Health"

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I say hoorah for banning cigarettes. These smokers will thank us later when they realize the wondrous health benefits they receive from walking an extra block down the road to get their smokes from a 7-Eleven. However, the problem with banning potato chips and candy bars is that I enjoy them. How am I supposed to maintain my elitist contempt for the poor health choices of smokers if I'm forced to acknowledge that I too make bad health choices and don't even have an addiction to blame for them?

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You can thank Mr. Obama for this ... White House Applauds CVS's Stopping Tobacco Sales  CVS is creating a new model for the era that follows the implementation of ACA


I guess Mr. O is more focused on this rather than the Islamic State video JyycfyH.gif

Politicization of a corporation in the health services industry eliminating the #1 attributable cause of the #1 cause of cancer mortality?

we can do better than that

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I say hoorah for banning cigarettes. These smokers will thank us later when they realize the wondrous health benefits they receive from walking an extra block down the road to get their smokes from a 7-Eleven. However, the problem with banning potato chips and candy bars is that I enjoy them. How am I supposed to maintain my elitist contempt for the poor health choices of smokers if I'm forced to acknowledge that I too make bad health choices and don't even have an addiction to blame for them?

I was being facetious about junk food

but obviously there's an indiscernable line when it comes posturing on lifestyle choices and health outcomes

smoking is SO easy and SO clear cut that it seems like a logical choice. Theoretically junk food has some intrinsic nutritional value, albeit small, while tobacco has none.


In general this is less of a public health statement than a corporate mission statement. They can't in good faith sell something that has such obvious negative value.

Question though- do they sell beer and booze!?!?!!?????? 

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this is so wrong. Its going to cost the healthforce thousands of jobs and make many physicians homeless. Pulmonologists and oncologists will be unable to financially survive and need to place their children in public schools. Hospitals will close and there will be a spike in unemployed respiratory therapists and x-ray techs. A truly sad day for the country.

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I was being facetious about junk food

Understood. I was trying to write a humorous post (humor is one area where I think SDN is better than PAForum).


This is an obvious image-management effort and I really don't believe this policy will make significant numbers of smokers quit unless they live in nowhere Alaska and CVS is literally the only tobacco-carrying retailer that doesn't require a plane ride to get to. 


I would argue that, for Americans, things like (not diet) soda have exclusively negative health consequences and no redeeming value, yet are not met with the same disdain or demands for bans. They're something everyone enjoys from time to time. I know tobacco does more harm, but I think the reason many people have double standards for junk food vs. tobacco is because many people use junk food but don't use tobacco. 


Obviously, smoking is a major (if not the major) public health threat in the U.S. However, I think the nonsmoking public would be better served if they were encouraged to look at their own lifestyles rather than grab a pitchfork. 

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I heard they started a subsidiary company called "Tobacco Row" and that is where they shipped all the cigarettes to and the store is run by the indigent people there so they now have jobs and health insurance. 


Plus they are investing in the tobacco cure for the Ebola virus.


All rumors. 

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