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Any Information for future applicants to IPAP???

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I'm currently an Air Traffic Controller at Eglin AFB and really interested in the program.  I currently have a Bachelor's degree in Biology and meet most of the pre requisites for the program.  I still have to take A&P II, psychology and medical terminology.  However, in the next upcoming year I will also re-take a chemistry class to make my gpa more competitive.  I am requesting any advice you may have directed towards the program (anything helps!).  What can I do to stand out?  Shadowing?  Did/can anyone help you with submitting your application (for those who have applied already)? etc...  Any information you can give me would definitely mean a lot.  I attended the commissioning briefing on base and all available information for the program was limited.  Basically I just got an application form and that I need to apply myself via e-mail.  I'm looking to apply as soon as all my per-requisites are completed, which shouldn't be that long from now.  I really want this profession as a career even if it means that I have to apply multiple times over the next 10 years, I still want this position.  


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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like no one has gotten back to you yet, so I'll see if I can help.  I am an active duty military PA but I was direct commission and do not have personal IPAP exprience.  I have helped several people w/ the app process, though.


Can you shadow at your local aid station (sorry, I don't know how the Air Force sets up their medical care)?    I know when I ran my own Army battalion aid station I was happy to have non-medical people hang out.  Also the PA who runs that aid station should be happy to assist you- like I said I worked with several people (medics and non-medics) with their application.


Of course, like is always recommended here, you should go to your local volunteer fire department.  Take part in an upcoming EMT class and volunteer as a working EMT.  This should be done along with any shadowing you can do.


IPAP is cutthroat.  You sound like you have a solid base to build on, but you have to really stand out.

Please feel free to PM me with any specific questions.

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I am an F-15 CrewChief that applied this year, and got accepted!  I am a business major by trade but did a 1.5 year stint of Dietetics before joining.  Medicine/Healthcare has always been my passion.  Once I found out about the program, I began knocking out the pre-reqs and made sure to keep my GPA high! Also retake your ASVAB and do well on the SAT.   I worked nightshift 2300-0800, then would shadow at the hospital from 0800-1200 a couple times a week.  I shadowed in Family Practice, ENT, and Orthopedics, and sat in during some Orthopedic surgeries.  I ended up taking 4-5 extra science/medical classes (genetics, immunology, pharm, plus all the nutrition classes from Dietetics) and paying out of pocket in order to 1) bring up my GPA and 2) show that I didn't just meet what was required.  I don't know your current GPA, or how well you did with your Biology Major, but that degree is very well suited for this type of program.  I was also deployed when I submitted my package and video, so I think between that, my shadowing, and classes, it was obvious that I was very passionate about becoming a PA.  It's nice to have good grades and scores, but you also have to portray that passion for medicine, as well as taking on the role as an officer.  Let me know if you have any other specific  questions.  Good luck!!

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I'm a phase II student at Eglin.  I'll send you a pm with our phase II coordinator's contact information.  She can get you set up with all of the pre-reqs for shadowing (HIPPA, privacy act, etc.).  If you see this before tomorrow (3 Oct) our seniors are graduating tomorrow at 1000 at the museum.  Feel free to drop by and ask some questions.  Also I did all my classes through NW Florida State, so if you have questions about which professors to avoid, let me know.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this thread was created a month ago, but i have some additions to make.


I'm currently active duty AF PA. I came in through HPSP, not IPAP. However, as others have said, it is very competitive, but it is also VERY political. A good portion of it is about who you know. Have you made any contacts yet? I suggest networking.


My supervisor taught in IPAP for a while and ran one of the residency programs. Pretty much anybody that works with us and wants to go to PA school will be able to. That's just how it works.


Also, make sure you did good on the math section of your SAT. That's a big admission criteria for some reason.


Good luck!

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