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When did they call you last week? And did you turn your app in early? I know the deadline was sept 1 so it seems like they are still probably looking at applications.

I hand delivered my application to the admission's office august 2 or 3rd since I live in Baton Rouge. I believe they are doing rolling admissions this year. I received an call last Wednesday or Thursday I think.

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I got my interview invite email today! I guess they interview a group then choose from then that group.


Congrats to you notapagirl, any tips on how to prepare for the interview and what to expect come interview day?


I got my interview invite email today! I guess they interview a group then choose from then that group.


Congrats to you notapagirl, any tips on how to prepare for the interview and what to expect come interview day?

interview was short.  no real questions such as why you want to be a pa vs md.  ethical question was essay.  if grades are good, a&p exam good, probable acceptance.  there is a website you can google on possible questions for pa interview to review.

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I'm confused on the interview/acceptance process! Do they start accepting people without having finished the interviews? Good luck to all of you! I know how I'm feeling right now and I'm sure I'm not alone!

Your not! I'm sure I was feeling the same, but I believe they are doing the interview/acceptances in groups. But I'm not sure how the groups are determined. My interview is next week so the next group of invites may be going out after that. Helpfully you get your invite then or sooner!

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Don't fret just yet! It's hard to gauge based on the past interview process at OLOL College, as they were all done at one time with about sixty candidates. Other programs around the country only interview maybe five people at a time every other week. That being said if only two or three interview groups are set (I received an invitation for second week October just last week) there could still be half the slots available. They also may not accept everyone in the interview group and people may not choose to accept them back! I know it doesn't help to completely relieve your anxiety but maybe this helps it lessen just a little bit! Good luck to everyone!

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