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Interviews 2014

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I have applied to 8 schools this year and have an interview at Christian Brothers in Memphis this thursday.  I'm waiting to hear back from the other 7.  Most of the schools I applied to are not rolling admissions and the application deadline isn't until October for most so I'll be waiting around.  Where did you apply?



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Interviews were conducted on July 7th.  It was a rather confusing interview process.  It was unfortunate the interview session is more concerned with the process than getting to know the applicant, literally only get 7 minutes to respond to questions presented by the interviewer. I did really well, but red flags began to waive when I figured out they place greater importance on the mechanics of the interview process. Most faulty seemed to be only interested in checking boxes instead of actively engaging in dialogue with applicants.  Other oddities included the police chief presenting on campus safety and parking stickers, but  no time was allowed for faculty Q&A.  I was really hoping for a better experience based on the school's reputation.  Overall, GWU started at the top of my list and quickly sank after the interview experience.  Such a disappointment.

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I interviewed with the July 7th group and GWU accepted me 2 days after my interview. I liked the interview process because I felt that were 3 parts of the interview to show yourself in different lights to the committee.  The only drawbacks as PA dreaming mentioned was I felt that I didn't have enough time to ask questions because everything was timed and rigid. Some of the stations did feel like they were looking for one response and it was either you got it or not. The other thing was the campus tour was emphasizing security and GWU history and life but I wish there was more breakdown about the curriculum and what the program was about. 

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I interviewed July 7th and was accepted two days later as well. I was challenged but also pleased with my experience. Your CASPA application, and particularly, your narrative, is really what helps the committee get to know you as an applicant. The interview really hones in on your critical thinking skills, your moral character, and how you deal with stressful situations. I really think the committee gets to know you based on how you react to these scenarios; so even though you aren't talking about yourself, they are afforded the opportunity to get to know the real you as you are placed in these different scenarios. The campus security came in to speak, as did other departments of the school to help you get aquatinted with the school in general. If anything, I thought they presented a united front . While I agree that there was no direct Q&A, I still felt like I got an overall good impression of the school, regardless. It was a difficult interview in the sense that you didn't know if you were getting the questions "right", but overall, a very rewarding experience.

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They don't tell us (students) much about the interview process but it sounds like maybe 1/3 of the positions have been filled. There have been two interview sessions (July and August) so far. I think they are making interview sessions spur of the moment. I would venture to say they are running once a month until the class is filled. As far as how fast you hear back after your interview, I got a email before I got home from my interview.


I don't know when the next interview session is, sorry! I just asked...

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fakingpatience I don't know where to find information/links for you but I can tell you what I know...

Right now they have sights in the immediate area (Boiling Springs to Charlotte), Elizabeth City, Wake Forest, Georgia, Tennessee, New York and they have sights set in Africa which we can use as our elective option. They are still adding new sites all the time.


The staff has worked to contact and set up rotations for people who have specific places in mind... They have a process for setting that up for people. They work hard to keep people near the area they live.

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