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Is it worth taking the GRE this late?

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Two of the schools that I plan on applying for do not require the GRE. The other schools do. I am taking currently taking classes this summer and did not realize it would consume my life as much as it has. I have not had much time to study for the GRE, if any. I have a tutor lined up to start helping me study for the GRE this week. Is it worth paying for the tutor to help me if I won't even be ready to take the GRE by the end of July? It sounds like it takes 10-30 days for that plus caspa to verify everything before the applications can be sent in.


The earliest deadline I have for my choice of PA programs is September 1st, but most people have already sent in their app by now... 


Should I just ignore the GRE this time, apply for the 2 schools now that don't require the GRE? Or should I try rushing to study for the GRE, take it late, probably do bad, and send in app near deadline? The other schools deadline technically isn't until October, November, and December.



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I took the GRE on 6/20 and received my official scores on 7/2 (7 business days) and they reported 12-15 business days on the website. I sent it to 4 schools free on test day and those scores were on CASPA on 7/3.


I wouldn't limit yourself to 2 schools when 800+ people apply for 30-40 seats usually. But the GRE could really help you if you do well or at least above 50th percentile.

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My name is Danielle Di Silvestro and I am the Director of Applicant and Student Services. This is a conflict that only you can decide but hopefully some advice can be offered to help you make your decision. 


1. Rushing to take the GRE will only put more pressure on you to do well (by PA program standards) and may cause you more stress than do you good. 


2. Being prepared is always the most important thing. Will a GRE make your application. Certainly not in most cases. But will it break an application? It certainly can, especially if a program has minimum score cut offs. If you don't meet them, you won't get considered. 


3. You can submit your CASPA application (in most cases) without official GRE scores. Unless specified by a program that they will not consider your application until official scores are received, you can submit your application. You just have to be sure that if you want to be considered by those programs that require the GRE scores before review, that those scores get there by their deadline. It is true that 'apply early' is something everyone can agree is important but as long as you are meeting deadlines, you will at least be considered. Another important thing to note though, is that some programs have rolling admissions and you may end up getting put on a wait list even if you meet deadlines because they may fill their class with early applicants.


Some things to think about but the most important thing is to not put extra pressure on yourself. You must be prepared during every step of the process - it makes things much easier. If you are not prepared it is likely it can reflect on your application. It is better to feel good and comfortable with the whole process rather than waste your money and time rushing to get everything done below standard.


I can be reached at danielle@PAEAonline.org with additional questions.


Best of luck,




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