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To apply or not to apply..

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Hello I have posted a few times on this forum. I am a reapplicant and last year I applied to 3 schools quite late in the application cycle and received rejection letters from all 3. At that time my CASPA sgpa was 2.95 and cgpa was 3.09. This cycle my sgpa should be a solid 3.00 and my cGPA 3.12. I have over 12K+ hours of patient care experience and my GRE scores were : V 156, Q 154 and A 3.5.


My question is should I apply early on this cycle or wait for next year and get some additional classes under my belt. The only thing is even if i take 4 additional classes and get an A in all of them, my GPA is probably going to budge by 0.1. So is it worth waiting an extra year or just apply this cycle?


Thanks in advance for your help!

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My name is Danielle Di Silvestro and I am the Director of Applicant and Student Services at the Physician Assistant Education Association. 


Are you applying to the same schools? Have you broadened your net at all? If you are applying to some or all of the same schools, have you contacted them to talk about what you have done to improve your application and if it is enough for them? That may help you make your decision right there. You've obviously improved by what you wrote in your post but is it enough for them related to why you were not accepted last year? That's something they can help you with or at least provide advice to you about.


Also, are you applying to programs where you meet (exceed in most cases) their minimums? You may want to cast a wider net to programs without certain minimums, or who put more of a focus on healthcare experience vs. GPA. Just another thought.


I can be reached at danielle@PAEAonline.org with additional questions.


Best of luck,




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