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I am looking for a general description of what the past interviews at Drexel have been like. I am aware that there will be one interview with two faculty members and one interview with a previous student. However, was it very straight forward questions? No need to include actual questions, I am just trying to get a feel for it. Thanks! Also, what was the approximate length?


I would love some advice! I interview on July 18th, 2014. 

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The process will starts from 9 am to 5 pm.  You will first write an essay that they give you 20 mins to write.  Then faculty and fin aid come and talk to you.  You then will get a tour from an faculty member or a student.  Eat lunch and then be interviewed by two faculty members and then a student.  While you wait you will be entertained by current students that are there to answer any questions you have about the program or about sports because it is a long day.  Thats pretty much it.  It's very straight forward. 


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If you have to catch your flight that night of the interview let the staff know and they will interview you first and let you go early to catch your plane.  Just be honest about it.  They want to work with you.  Normally at the end of the interviews once everyone is done and then  they dismiss you guys.  That is why it takes until 5 pm.




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