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2014-2015 Application Cycle

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Received my secondary today. But theres an error on the supplemental website once I tried to submit applying to the PA program. Is anyone else having the same issue?



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Received this from technical support today


Thank you for your message.


The Touro Application System has recently undergone maintenance due to an internal issue that has now been corrected. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. You should now be able to access your application and proceed without issue.


Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us again if you require additional assistance.




Hobsons Technical Support

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I received my supplemental application email on July 3. Ran into an error while filling it out. I submitted a ticket to IT. They returned my email yesterday (July 7) saying the problem was fixed. I am now able to access the supplemental. 


I'm just super confused because on the application website (under instructions), it clearly says:


Applications for the following programs cannot be submitted through this application system:

-Physician Assistant


.... But the email I got sent me directly to this application portal?


Also, for those of you filling this out, do we have to request for the recommendation letters to be sent to Touro, again? Even though CASPA has them already? 

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@tiktaalik, I think they are referring the the primary application (CASPA) when they make that disclaimer.


No on the LOR per TUN application process website. Michael Wilson is extremely helpful and prompt in responding to emails though, if you want to ask the program directly.

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@thomeg300, thanks for the tip! I emailed Michael Wilson about the LOR and got a response within the minute! He is extremely helpful and told me they will use the letters from CASPA. 


@kpkianapham, I uploaded my resume just so they have a copy of it. My resume has all the information that they asked in the Health Sciences and Professional section and may be redundant but I feel the resume might be a quicker way for them to sort information since it looks very clean.

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