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How to answer: Why did you choose our PA program?

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On the supplemental essays, PA programs want to know specifically why you were attracted to their program. What I wrote last year was pretty generic mentioning things like good PANCE pass rates, good facilities, access to numerous local clinics and hospitals, experienced staff, a nice location, etc. I have a feeling this did not impress the admissions committees. 


I don't think I have the cash or time off work to go and visit these campuses and cities in person. I'm not friends with anyone on the staff of these programs. None of these programs are in communities that I'm familiar with, and they are not very close by. The closest is a five hour drive to a large, unfamiliar city. 


How do I make a connection here?



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The one I have written so far was based off information I could find about the program online.  What makes them unique?  What is their mission statement, and how does it relate to your goals.   You surly have a reason for choosing them above others, other than the fact that you met the minimum requirements.  Otherwise I'm in the same situation you are not being able to visit any of the schools

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Just a thought: My school has a large map of the US showing where all its graduates have gone. Some have gone thousands of miles from campus. Perhaps you can find a graduate of the program to interview, especially if you are in a reasonably large city now. You could try your state PA association and ask if they would pass on your email address to a graduate of a particular program. Or go to the schools section of this forum and see if you can find graduates that way. 

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Did you go to one of their information sessions?  If so, try and remember something they said specifically at that session or a staff member you met at the session that made an impact on you.  Something that would make them realize you had been there or done research deeper than just PANCE pass rates, etc.  I did that last year and they mentioned it in the interview that I must have inside knowledge.  Unfortunately I was only waitlisted.


Or just be brutally honest. Location, cost, reputation, etc.  I'm sure they see a lot of "fluff" in those answers and a dose of honesty may be refreshing.

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Does the program boast about their community service opportunities?  How about giving students patient interactions from the get-go?  Is their research emphasis unique amongst PA programs?  Do you really want to take advantage of their international clinical rotation options?  Figure out what the program is particularly proud of and include that in your essay.  Obviously it should be something that truly interests you about the school since you're choosing to apply there, but it's understandable that location or other factors might be your primary reason for picking a program.  As people have already mentioned, info sessions and current students or program graduates are great sources for learning what a program prides itself on.  You could also look for a student blog that could give you a more in depth perspective.  Reading through the posts for specific schools on this forum might also reveal some gems.  Good luck! 

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