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Out of the country during interviews?!

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Hello! I am applying this cycle and will hopefully be submitting my application later this week, but I am starting to worry about interviews. I will be living/working/volunteering in Australia starting in two weeks until mid November. I am nervous about missing all of the interview dates. The schools that I am applying to do rolling admissions and I'm concerned that the classes will be filled before I return!


So the question is, if I do get any invitations for interviews should I just spend the $2500 on a flight immediately or tell the program that I am currently out of the country gaining international health care and volunteer experience and will not return until mid November?


Would it completely kill my chances of getting in if I ask to interview at a later date? The schools I'm applying to usually do interviews October-January/February. The experience of working in another country is something that I think strengthens my application and I included my plans in my application, but I don't want to it to impede on my future! 


Any advice/comments would be appreciated!

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And what would you do if you had 2 interviews, or 3?  This trans-Pacific flying thing could get pricey!


Bottom line: You may miss some interviews, but probably not all of them. The best that could happen is that you have the experience you planned on and get back in time to be interviewed and accepted. The worst is that you pay money to fly back and forth and still don't get in, or maybe it's you cancel the trip and still don't get in. Or maybe you get in the following year instead.


It's judgment day: are you going because you want to go or because you thought that going would make your application look better? My advice: go with your heart.


It is easy to be someplace and feel you should be someplace else. It's best to understand your options and what you really want to be doing. You've got 2 weeks to be sure.


Good luck!

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Jeez, man, just call the admissions director and fully disclose your situation (if this ends up being an issue).  If they seem to be giving off bad vibes, tone it back and reconsider.  Seems to me, odds are, they'll give you the option of kicking it down the road to the next interview session.  People understand people.  If they don't, they're not great at being people.  That said, you can learn a lot from just talking to folks IF this situation presents itself.  Best of luck.

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You need to be here for your interviews. Period. That should be your priority. Not the Australia trip, which seems like a bit of a boondoggle whether it is our not. Either don't go to Australia or fly back for your interviews. Talking to the admissions folks won't get you the answer. If you are super PA candidate with no peers you might get a buy. Otherwise, remember the old Chinese proverb: Johnny on the spot gets admitted. He who shows up late gets the cold shoulder. Well, it's probably neither Chinese nor a proverb, but I wouldn't take chances.


Sent from my Kindle Fire HDX using Tapatalk 2



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