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Nontraditional Student Applicant Advice (former veterinary hopeful)

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I have always been incredibly fickle about my future, but have known since I was a child that I wanted to go into healthcare. I have changed my mind many times about what aspect of healthcare I wanted to go into, but finally settled earlier this year on PA school, because I feel that it has the best outcome for what you put in. Prior to this, I graduated from UCF (August 2013) with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Environmental Studies, with a plan to take a year off to finish my prerequisites for veterinary school. The plans fell through, because I realized that I was unhappy working in the veterinary industry. I do believe that I'll be happier as a Phyisician Assistant -- I don't strive to be the head leader in charge, I don't want to own a practice or have others working beneath me. I want to work in healthcare, see interesting cases and make accurate diagnoses, help those who need it, and have the ability to be flexible and learn different specialties (as commitment isn't necessarily my strong suit).


Now, my question here lays in whether or not I actually will be able to get into a PA school. I am already mostly finished with my application. I have done my fair share of research, and narrowed down the vast amount of schools to a narrower pool of those that only required the prerequisites that I have already taken and that accept veterinary technician experience as healthcare experience. This leaves me with the strongest chances of applying to:


Marietta College, Cornell University, Chatham University, Drexel University, Elon University, and Tufts University.


My current statistics are as follows:


Undergrad Ed School: University of Central Florida
Cumulative Undergrad. GPA: 3.66
Science Undergrad. GPA: 3.36 (I believe that I calculated this as per CASPA's standards)

Age at application time : 22

1st GRE: 164 V (93rd percentile), 154 Q (57th percentile)

Direct Patient Care : (type & hours)


Veterinary Technician (responsibilities as follows):  >1000 hours


-Maintained proper and complete medical charts 

-Ensured the safety of pets, clients and associates by utilizing safe restraining 
-Performed fecal examinations, tonometry, venipuncture, catheter placement, radiographs, IV/SQ fluid administration, vaccinations, and physical examinations 
-Executed routine laboratory tests including IOF, CBC, electrolyte, urinalysis, and fecal tests 
-Educated pet owners on proper care of sick animals, including filling/administering prescription medications and instructing owners on usage

Extracurricular/Research Activities:


Laboratory Assistant at UCF's Biological Energetics and Physiological Ecology Laboratory

Laboratory Assistant at FAU's Population and Conservation Genetics Laboratory




Do you think it is possible for me to get into a PA school with these statistics? I understand that I am lacking in human healthcare experience, but I am otherwise experienced in the sciences -- in both research and practice. I am going to look into finding a PA to shadow, but am not sure that I will find one before completing my application. Also, how should I frame my experience so that it is seen in a positive light, instead of a negative one? Does it make sense to even apply to Tufts program? I understand that they admit on a rolling basis and begin in January, so would now (end of June) be too late in the cycle to even bother? Their applications are due on the 15th of July, including supplemental, and I am almost done with my CASPA (other than my transcripts and my personal statement). Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!


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