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Organ/Systems-based vs. Traditional Curriculum?

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I've submitted and had my app verified but want to expand the list of schools I'm applying to. In theory, Pacific's organ/systems based curriculum sounds like it would be better for me in terms of my learning style. I'm just basing that off of my past Biology and Anatomy/Physiology classes though... anyone with experience that can discuss the pros and cons vs. a traditional curriculum where it is broken up like "microbiology" "pathology" "pharmacology" etc.? Would really have loved to go to a Pacific open house but sadly I'm out of state. Does anyone know of other schools that structure their didactic year this way as well? I tried finding a list but couldn't... recently learned Heritage University in WA has a similar structure. 

Out of all the schools I've applied to already, only Pacific's is structured like this and I'm looking for others. Thanks! 



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