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Does my job qualify as PCE/HCE?

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I am currently employed at a general hospital as an Intake Coordinator for the Behavioral Health Area. My responsibilities include:


-Taking report from ER social workers to assess the appropriateness of formal psychiatric evaluations.

-Communicating clinical information with other hospital units and outside facilities to aid in patient transfers.

-Explaining rights to patients placed on psych holds.

-Inventorying patient belongings for safe keeping.

-Serve as the initial point of contact for voluntary patients, including patients for our Acute Medical Detox unit. I am directly responsible for determining whether or not potential detox patients will meet criteria for inpatient hospitalization. 


I have also been trained in Case Management where I perform initial and concurrent review with insurance companies. Part of this entails direct communication with the patient and family to determine life stressors and other factors that may necessitate extended care or otherwise dictate what the discharge plans will be.


While my job is not as "hands on" as a CNA/PCA/RN, I am definitely still directly involved in the coordination of patient care. Would this qualify as HCE/PCE in the eyes of an admissions coordinator?


Ill be done with pre-reqs early next year and plan on having my CASPA submitted as soon as it opens in April. It will be easy for me to get a job as a CNA, but if that HAS to happen I will need to get started now to build up enough hours. Hopefully my current job will qualify because I get paid 2x as much as the nursing assistants do!!!





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John, from what I've read over the last three years, I believe your job does qualify as HCE for most PA programs. But be aware that there are different levels of HCE, and that your experience is probably considered lower level along with nurse aide and scribe. The most respected type of HCE would be work as a nurse, paramedic or respiratory therapist. If you have that kind of experience the admissions committee knows you are not going to freak out if a patient starts to bleed or have difficulty breathing, etc.


My experience includes first aid at children's camps, nurse aide at a hospital and medical scribe. I did not get in last year. They said my experiences all counted, but they would like to see more hands on experience such as giving shots or drawing blood. That's what they said in my feedback after I didn't get in.


So if there is any way you can top off your Behavioral Health Coordinator experience with phlebotomy or some side work as an EMT, it would probably help your application. Good luck!

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From my research, your job would count as related health care experience but most schools don't consider it as the needed hands on patient health care experience.

If you are wanting to include hands on experience on an application you'd want to do phlebotomy or CNA or tech etc.



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