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CASPA Research or Work Experience

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I currently attend a university where we have a required co-op program. Basically I switch every 3 months between school and work in my field of study at a company starting my freshmen year of college. Due to this I have accrued over 3,500 hours of work experience. However, I was wondering if my work experience would go under research or other work experience on the CASPA application. I am a biochemistry major, but with my company I work in research and development performing organic synthesis and formulation of additives at a chemical additive company. 



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Here are some of the CASPA definitions. Are you a paid employee? Is this part of your education experience that you receive school credit for it? That could make a difference. It sounds to me like it could fall under "research" or "other work experience".


PATIENT CARE EXPERIENCE defined as experiences in which the applicant is directly responsible for a patient's care; for example: prescribing medication, performing procedures, directing a course of treatment, working on patients as an active EMT, etc.  


OTHER HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCE defined as roles in which the applicant is working in the health or a health-related field but is not directly responsible for a patient's care; for example, filling prescriptions, performing clerical work, delivering patient food, cleaning patient rooms, working as “candy-striper,” etc.  


RESEARCH research work you performed OUTSIDE of work you received credit for on your academic transcripts


OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE jobs you have held OUTSIDE of the health field

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