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Nervous about this situation - Application

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So. I received a 290 GRE score last year, I retook it yesterday and received a 303. But, I included my 290 score on my CASPA application before I retook the exam. So my 290 is stuck on my CASPA application. I understand I send my scores individually to each program, but what about many schools who send supplemental apps early based on your app and haven't had a chance to receive the new scores? If you click on "tests" in the middle rather than "official tests" tab on the right, it states that I have a planned test date this month, but obviously without a score. It seems alright, but I called one school to check with my app in regards to other things, and they stated they have my GRE score, and I feel as if that's the mistake that would happen, because my old one is on the app not my new one, I probably have to wait a week or so for my new scores to come up on ETS so I can send them. Some schools send supps in a few weeks.

Am I just being paranoid?

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Take a breath. 


You scored more or less the same both times. If you really want the new score sent, just do it through ETS directly with the schools of interest.


Then just wait and see what the universe has in store for you. 


Good luck.

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