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Physician Assistant in health care admin role

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Hello everyone, I apologize if this has been asked before, but I'm curious as to how one can go about gaining position / experience as a health care administraor in either public health, hospital administration etc as a PA. I've tried to do some online searches but haven't found much detail about it. I'm in the process of applying to PA school. I have five years of experience as a nurse. I've always been interested in both the patient care aspect and health care access and management.


I'm curious to know if one would need an MPH, MBA or some type of master's degree in health administration. Any insight regarding this would be very helpful :) thank you!

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Masters of Healthcare Administration.  Pacific  has it set up so you can do a dual MS-PAS and MHA degree: http://www.pacificu.edu/mha/prospective/dualDegrees.cfm


Thank you for the suggestion. How competitive are these type of program? Hypothetically speaking for an applicant with the grades, HCE, research, volunteering etc but lack any type of management / business role.

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Not at all, compared to PA school.  That might change in the future, I suppose, but if so they'll end up being like MBAs or MPHs: anyone can get one, but eventually the quality and reputation of the program will matter.


Even for a daul degree program like this?

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