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Outstanding Prereqs - Different for each school!

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Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to the site - first time posting. This situation might have already come up in an earlier post but here goes...


I'm applying to PA schools this cycle and satisfy many school's prerequisites. However, there are many schools that still require more. I was in Nursing School for two years before I dropped out (to study History and eventually pursue the PA profession) so many of my classes are from the Nursing curriculum. The one class that is making EVERYTHING complicated is a combined Microbiology and Biochemistry class. Some schools are requiring me to take Microbiology, some are requiring me to take Micro and Biochem again, and some schools are fine with it. Also, a few schools want me to take a Chem I for science majors (they won't accept my Principles of General and Organic Chemistry course from Nursing)


SO, on my CASPA I have listed that I will take 5 courses in the Fall and Spring:



Chem I

Organic Chem 

Medical Terminology  


However, I'm hoping that whatever school I hear from first for interview, then I will adjust my Fall and Spring schedule as needed. For instance, if I don't hear from Baylor, then I won't take Organic Chemistry; if I don't hear from Wake Forest, I won't take Biochemistry, etc. 


Is this a good idea? Is it better to look like you are still taking a lot of classes or not? Will it make the other schools (that I already fulfill) wonder why I am taking more? Should I not list any courses up there and then just notify each school individually what courses I plan to take? 


I just want to keep a lot of places open! Thanks for any help on this matter. 

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It is rough that different schools have different requirements.


A school that doesn't require a class won't think that it's weird that you are still planning on taking it. They are interviewing lots of prospective students, after all -- most of whom they won't select -- so why would they think it strange that you are planning on applying to multiple schools? And learning more is never a bad idea.


You should have a plan to take all prerequisites for all schools you are planning on applying to. After you get accepted, you could change your plan. A plan isn't a promise; it's a plan subject to change. That said, whatever school that accepts you will expect you to meet their requirements at the time of entry and to keep them apprised as your plan changes. 


Good luck.

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It really is rough! Thanks for your response - makes a lot of sense. I just don't want a good thing (taking classes) to actually come back and hurt the application in the long run. But I will probably still list all those classes because as of now, that is what I am planning to take. 

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