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You have an unusual background: a non-BS in a different field than most applicants. Still you apparently have the prereqs. A little light on the shadowing time and just starting to get a bit more respectable with the HCE.


All that said and done, I see no harm in applying. The key for you may very well be your unusual academic background, which may be a plus in that you stand out from other applicants. I once had a med school recruiter (not for me -- for my daughter) tell me that the best med student the large college ever had was a photography major. Your personal statement is going to be unusually important. 


I am still not sure why you want to be a PA. You started out in pre-med and something happened?

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I agree with UGO Long- Being a non-science major may make you stand out in a good way.

Some of my classmates that did very well in our program were not from a science intensive background.

As I have mentioned in other posts, some programs do not require GRE scores. Others may require them but, not put a heavy emphasis on the #.

Just out of curiosity, I see you have applied to programs in New England, Mid Atlantic and west coast. Is there a specific aspect you are looking for in a program?

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