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start 2015 (class of 2017)

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Hi guys!

Since I'm working on my application now, I thought I'd start a thread. Where are y'all on your applications, and when are you hoping to get them submitted by? Who are you getting your LORs from? How are your grades/GRE scores/clinical hours? And the question I'm probably most interested in: Why did you pick South College to apply to?

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I finished and submitted my CASPA mid-May and submitted my supplemental to South shortly after that. From what I can tell, they don't start reviewing apps until November and doing interviews until Jan. Has anyone heard otherwise for this cycle?

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The had interviews in Nov. last year too.  My undergrad grades are horrible, but my Masters are decent.  I recently retook all of the science pre-reqs and have a 3.8.  I will be taking the GRE soon.  Im not sure when i will finish my new application.  I picked South for several reasons: the campus is sooooo nice.  Their equipment is really cool too.  Not to get all sappy, but my PA at my OB/GYN graduated from South and she was EXTREMELY helpful and supportive during a tough time in my life.  

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I called the school and found out that they would start notifying applicants of receipt of CASPA in July. Also, according to a current student, they started interviewing last year in Oct/Nov which was earlier than the previous year, so potentially, they could be scheduling interviews as early as Sept/Oct.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi!! I am working on finishing up my application to submit any day now. Just waiting on another letter of reference!


I completed my undergrad in 2012 and been working as a medical assistant ever since. I am working on taking more classes in order to raise my GPA because it is literally the worst part of my application. Too much partying. I definitely learned some valuable lessons there! I am really hoping that South, and the other schools that I am applying to, will either recalculate GPAs, not use CASPAs, or look beyond some of my serious flaws **cough physics and biochem cough** ;) As I have been taking classes, I am finding that it is almost impossible to raise my GPA without restarting and pursuing a Master's degree. @Vlsmith - I commend you! That takes a lot of work!


Honestly, it makes me self conscious viewing threads where people talk about their stats, mostly because my grades are poor. But I think that's what is so great about PA programs - they are truly looking at your application as a whole, and not just a number/GPA/or statistic.


I chose South, and all of my other schools, because they are in the Southeast! Plus small, private schools. I went to college in Michigan and NEVER want to leave the South again! ;)


Good luck to everyone!

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I can tell you from personal experience that if a PA program says you must have a certain GPA, then you have to. For South, the 2.75 is not negotiable, and it's taken straight from the CASPA calculation. Some schools take the last 30 hours, do or do not count masters hours, or other variations. Read their applications carefully. I learned this the hard way last year. Physics and organic were my downfall in undergrad so I understand. I got interviewed and am currently wait listed, so it's not impossible. Just make sure your GRE is good, and everything else is strong as well. Good luck!

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@buncht1 Thanks for the feedback!! Especially the part about the GPA being straight from CASPA. For so many of my applications, I don't know which GPA they are looking at specifically!


You've already been interviewed and wait listed for NEXT October's class?! Wow! Best of luck to you. I hope that you don't have to wait long to get some good news!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone received a conformation of their app or supplemental being received?

My CASPA was verified beginning of May and I sent the supplemental shortly after that. I never got an email so I looked at their website harder and found I have to send my GRE directly to the school not just to CASPA so I sent them my scores a month ago and still haven't heard anything...

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Has anyone received a conformation of their app or supplemental being received?

My CASPA was verified beginning of May and I sent the supplemental shortly after that. I never got an email so I looked at their website harder and found I have to send my GRE directly to the school not just to CASPA so I sent them my scores a month ago and still haven't heard anything...

I'm in the same boat. They said they don't review them until September.

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I was told (by email) that around the end of July they should have started letting people know their CASPA, supplemental, and GRE had been received (and that we won't hear anything unless they had all three), and the faculty would begin reviewing applications in September. I haven't heard a peep since this email, which was around the end of June. The website still says they do interviews January through May, which make me nervous because we could already get accepted somewhere and have to put a seat deposit down before we even get an interview invite from South!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been told that they basically just want an average score at minimum, but of course the higher the better.  I know of a few people that received 3.0 and 3.5 and still got in.


I also have been told there is some sort of essay or something that interviewees write on the day of their interview.  So they basically just want to ensure that applicants have professional writing/speaking skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have applied and caspa was verified today

Some stats

Caspa GPA-3.86


Gre verbal 136 and math 144 analytical-3.5

Health care hours-562

Other hands on hours- 205

Community work -3120 hours

Pa shadowing -40 hours

3 strong recommendations.

Don't know how I feel about it or what to expect?

You might want to check with them about the GRE scores? Are you planning on retaking?
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