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Running Behind -- Whale Traffic

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I know that my Alaskan colleagues will relate, but I find this a funny reason that I'm running quite behind.


About 20% of my patients arrive by ferry.  Another 5% by float or wheeled plane. I've been quite behind twice this week due to ferry delays, first when a patient had a seizure on the ferry and it had to drop them off at a nearby island where there is EMT services. 


I'm quite behind today because my first patient was late due to whale traffic in the channel, which had to detour far around them.  This is legitimate not the dog ate my Vicodin prescription type of excuse.


Any other interesting delays in your schedules?


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When I was a PA student at Stony Brook, we lived in student apartments directly across from the medical center. To get to class we had to walk directly past the helipad in front of the ED. When the medivac was landing, all foot traffic was stopped; because of this, there was more than one occasion when I was late to class because of helicopter traffic!

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naked bike parade traffic.

my town has a naked bike ride once/year. it was a few days ago. unfortunately, driving home I got stuck on the wrong side of it. after waiting for >15 min for it to end(it didn't), I parked my car on the curb and walked home through it and walked back the next day to pick my car up. > 2000 bikers participate every year...it's a freak show...they trashed the neighborhood with food wrappers and beer cans/bottles and urinated/ defecated on people's front lawns....

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I remember the traffic related to those bike rides. Recently I watched "portlandia" and it nails Portland. Funny!



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for the most part these are not attractive folks participating in these events.....I saw more beer bellies on bikes than during a week in the ER....

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Guest Paula

naked bike parade traffic.

my town has a naked bike ride once/year. it was a few days ago. unfortunately, driving home I got stuck on the wrong side of it. after waiting for >15 min for it to end(it didn't), I parked my car on the curb and walked home through it and walked back the next day to pick my car up. > 2000 bikers participate every year...it's a freak show...they trashed the neighborhood with food wrappers and beer cans/bottles and urinated/ defecated on people's front lawns....

Why on earth is silliness like this allowed to continue? Don't the men get saddle rash?

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Guest Paula

Don't you dare question my right to ride my bike naked or to have bear arms


LOL!  What do bear arms look like?  So you have paws and claws?

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while living in Anchorage...


driving the Seward highway in the summer - if there was even a single mtn goat up the side hill the tourists would litterally stop in the middle of the road (small two lane "highway" - two lane road with no break down lanes...)


Can't count the number of times I ran into this.....

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I have a number of patients who check in for their visit and then state that they have to use the restroom.... many of my patients are elderly/wheelchair users with neurodegenerative disease and usually need help in the bathroom so needless to say a bathroom trip might take 20 minutes. One patient took so long I finally went in the bathroom with her and conducted the visit in there. Good thing I was an OT in my former life...


When we were in our old building, there was valet parking so we'd often have patients show up late because there was a huge lineup at the valet...


The whales sound a lot better

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