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new grad offer

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Job is in IR. I'm a new grad and they wanted a new grad in their practice to train (which is what they have done is the past).


Salary: $65k (I understand the low level because of the training necessary, but this is LOW to me. After 1 year I would hope I would be autonomous enough and able to bill appropriately and increase reimbursements and renegotiate)

3 weeks PTO
1 week CME, $3000 (if do online CME, money comes to you as a check)

Health Insurance - $6/pay period from check

Life Insurance - $50,000 - paid by employer

Long Term Disability - paid by employer

Malpractice coverage


Cool thing is all PA's in the practice work together and form their own schedules.



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Job is in IR. I'm a new grad and they wanted a new grad in their practice to train (which is what they have done is the past).


Salary: $65k (I understand the low level because of the training necessary, but this is LOW to me. After 1 year I would hope I would be autonomous enough and able to bill appropriately and increase reimbursements and renegotiate)

3 weeks PTO

1 week CME, $3000 (if do online CME, money comes to you as a check)

Health Insurance - $6/pay period from check

Life Insurance - $50,000 - paid by employer

Long Term Disability - paid by employer

Malpractice coverage


Cool thing is all PA's in the practice work together and form their own schedules.



sorry to burst your bubble....

this is just my thoughts and you may do with them what you like


NEW grads - do not belong in IR - I had 5+ years of experience before doing IR and it is a very narrow limited field where you become and incredible proceduralist... seems easy on the surface, but you are solely responsible for the patient and new grads should not be in this role - 

Also, you simply don't know enough to truly be great 

Also, if you do not learn the medicine side of medicine soon after graduation you will have a very hard time learning it in the future


Salary - 65k  That is INSULTING - on that alone I would walk....  IR Doc's make 300-500k - paying you a fair wage means nothing to their bottom line - shows that they are just looking for cheap labor

You will unlikely be billing -- direct supervision rules allow the doc to bill under their PIN - and RADS tend to very protective of their revenue generation reports so v ery unlikely you will ever see what you are actually generating.


Bennies - are okay as as long as Health is for whole family - I have honestly never had to pay a dime for whole family coverage besides one job at a hospital system where it was pretty darn cheap, but never for private practice


PTO could be very low - need to find more about it - Rads typically get 12 weeks PTO - IR PA's work hard and are in the lab a lot (read getting exposed to RADIATION) and should b e given time off at the high end of the scale - this is 10 vacation days, 5-10 sick/personal, 3-5 weeks of PTO and 5 days CME


Life insurance, who cares about a 50k policy....  peanuts


Long Term Disability - MUCH better for you to pay for this with post tax dollars so that if you ever need it is tax free money - what you really want from them is short term disability






I would RUN away from this offer


Honestly a new grad does  not belong in IR, but if you are heart set on it - no less then 90k

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Thank you both! This is/was my second option. I've applied and interviewed for a residency but won't hear for another two weeks so I'm just trying to have something to fall back on if that doesn't work out. I thought it was pretty ridiculous but being a new grad wanted some input as well. I'll keep my eyes out for other job postings and be hopeful my residency comes through. Thanks again!

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