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Is Microbiology a good summer course?

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The choices are Micro or PSY-Human development. Micro is about 4 weeks(very dense) and the PSY course is about 8. I don't have much of a bio background besides A&P but I seem to grasp the concepts fairly well and of course I'm willing to work hard.


Obviously I want to avoid getting in over my head if this class has the possibility of burying me. There's plenty of reports around the web of people not being able to do well, but who knows how smart they are, so I'd like some advice from you guys.



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Four weeks for microbiology is a huge challenge. There is a lot of information and if your professor is like most, you're going to cover topics that require time and patience to learn. Not to mention a cumulative final in that time frame would be intense. I did Human development in a 3 week winter mini-term and found it very doable.

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Ok, 1-1 lol


I'm a good memorizer, I felt like A&P was pretty easy and that was mostly memorization, as opposed to something like Chemistry that takes time and lots of practice for the concepts to set in. I need an A for sure and  would not want to get involved with a chemistry type class in the summer.

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Ok, 1-1 lol


I'm a good memorizer, I felt like A&P was pretty easy and that was mostly memorization, as opposed to something like Chemistry that takes time and lots of practice for the concepts to set in. I need an A for sure and  would not want to get involved with a chemistry type class in the summer.


In the end you are the only one capable of answering that question. Do know that there are a lot of variables to take into consideration when thinking of these 4 & 6-week summer courses. There are positives, such as, some professors leave out a lot of information due to the time constriction. Also, some professors will have empathy and make the exam material lighter. I've taken many 6 week upper division biology courses, but always first cautiously analyzed if I could realistically get an A.


My suggestion to you is to meet with the professor and have a chat. You'll be surprised how much their attitude/persona translates into their exams.


You never mentioned if this was General Micro or Intro. Either way here are a lot of helpful animations from one of my favorite Micro books: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/biology/microbiology2/animations.aspx


Good luck!

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It depends on you and your back ground of classes you took and if you remember the core of the classes.  I had took classes in parasitology, molecular biology, cell biology.  So it wasn't too bad.  Note that I did volunteer work and had another summer class online while doing this.  Got up Mon- thrus at 0600 studied and ate breakfast till 0700 and drove to school that started at 0800 that took 45 mins to drive.  Went to class till 1600 then volunteered till 1830.  Got home around 1915.  Studied till midnight. Note that I am use to 4 hrs of sleep a night since I use to stand deck watch in the Navy.

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Have you taken basic biology courses (Bio 1 w/lab and Bio 2 w/lab)? If you have then you will be well prepared for an intensive microbiology course. If you haven't then wait untl you take those two biology classes and then take micro.

I took summer Micro after A&P I and II, but immediately before my year-long majors' biology series.  It was still doable, but definitely backwards order. :-)  I switched from wanting to go Paramedic to PA after I did A&P I.

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I took summer Micro after A&P I and II, but immediately before my year-long majors' biology series.  It was still doable, but definitely backwards order. :-)  I switched from wanting to go Paramedic to PA after I did A&P I.


Agreed, it's doable but backwards. Biology 1 and 2 give you the basis of general biological knowledge. Most Bio 2 classes include a section on viruses and bacteria, which is a very good introduction to microbiology. Microbiology (prokaryotic organisms) and Cellular Biology (eukaryotic organisms) form the basis for comprehensive knowledge of organisms and allow a person to deeply appreciate such concepts as to why an antibiotic only kills bacteria (prokaryotes) while leaving human cells (eukaryotic) alone. I loved the section on Horizontal Gene Transfer as it made antibiotic resistance so much easier to understand.

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Well, I putzed around and ended up getting dropped for non-payment and the last few spots filled, IDK, maybe it's a blessing in disguise. The book is on its way and I'll at least get a jump on the fall class if nobody drops for summer term 1. 



Have you taken basic biology courses (Bio 1 w/lab and Bio 2 w/lab)? If you have then you will be well prepared for an intensive microbiology course. If you haven't then wait untl you take those two biology classes and then take micro.


I haven't taken any other bio's besides A&P. Definitely approaching this backwards.


If it's with lab, 4 weeks seems awfully short. I did mine in an 8 week summer back in 2005....


Yup, it has a lab. Full blast micro, no doubt about it.

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Have you taken basic biology courses (Bio 1 w/lab and Bio 2 w/lab)? If you have then you will be well prepared for an intensive microbiology course. If you haven't then wait untl you take those two biology classes and then take micro.

Only Bio 1 & 2? I'm required to take Bio 1&2, Cell Bio, Genetics, Chem I and Chem II before I can even think about enrolling in Microbio lol. 


To the OP: If you think you could've handled A&P I and II both in the summer then you should be able to handle Micro bio during the summer - heard it's all memorization :D

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