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Assignment of clinical rotation sites a TTUHSC

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I understand that ttu offers clinical rotations in Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, Amarillo, Abilene, and El Paso and that students remain in one location for the duration of CRs. Can anyone tell us how CRs are assigned? Can you get the location you want? Is there any scuttlebutt about which sites have the best CRs?


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They're assigned based on preference and competitiveness.  First, students rank their site choices and if there are 8 slots at a site and 8 students pick it as #1 then they all get it.  If there are 8 slots at a site and 15 students pick it as #1 then the faculty take grades, community service activities, extracurriculars, and so forth into consideration.  Once the first round is done like that, they do the same thing with whoever is left and try to give people their #2 preference, etc.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. Do you know which sites are most requested and what percentage of students get their first choice?


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Lubbock and east TX were the most requested in my class, but east TX is no longer a site.  Now the most requested will likely be Lubbock and Midland.

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Lubbock and east TX were the most requested in my class, but east TX is no longer a site. Now the most requested will likely be Lubbock and Midland.

Thanks. What do you know about Abilene? It's it a good location and is it popular? Have any students reported back about their experiences in any of the locations?


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  • 3 weeks later...

The following FAQs were cut and pasted from the TTUHSC MPAS website. Assuming they are keeping things up to date, San Angelo is still available (in another thread someone stated that San Angelo was no longer available) and it looks like they have added Temple (I don't remember seeing that before.) I think TTU is different from many other PA schools in that students move to the assigned city and remain there for the duration, completing all rotations in that city or nearby towns.


10. Where will I do my clinical rotations?

Clinical sites are currently established in the El Paso, Lubbock, Amarillo, San Angelo, Temple, Abilene, and Midland/Odessa areas. No rotation region is confined to one city and all will require some travel. Most will require moving from the Midland area.

11. How does the program decide which student will go to which clinical site?

Although personal preferences are considered, the needs of the program and clinical site availability are also considered.


BTW, for those interested, the first time taker PANCE pass rate for 2013 was 57 out of 58 students (98%)



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That list needs to be updated.  San Angelo is gone as of the class of 2014 and the Waco/Temple area is gone as of the class of 2015.  Sites include: Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, Amarillo, Abilene, and El Paso, bringing the program back to its original west-Texas focus.  Hopefully that helps.

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  • 9 months later...

One likely reason El Paso is less popular is that, despite the intended west Texas focus of the school, only a minority of the students come from west Texas. For the rest of them, clinical rotations in El Paso doubles the driving distance to central Texas where they have family. It is a 5 hour drive from Dallas to Midland, nearly 10 hours from Dallas to El Paso. (Note that Midland was originally named Midway because of its location half way between Ft. Worth and El Paso.)


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