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AAPA State Wages Section Released!

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Anyone else think the state report is LAZY to say the least? No specialty breakdowns beyond surgery, IM, Peds, Primary and other.... Give me a break, what a joke!

There has to be a large enough number to have a standard distribution. What this means is that there isn't beyond those categories for a given state. Look at Delaware. There aren't enough to even give a distribution by job. 

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I see what sleary123 and coloradopa are saying, but at the state level report I really think they should have broken down the "other" category into subspecialties just at they did in the 2010 salary report.  I would imagine there would be at least more than 10 respondants for some of the other subspecialties in the "other" category.  The 2010 report also had it broken down to the Metropolitan or Mircropolitan Statistical Area, which is not done in the 2013 report.   It's disappointing that the 2013 report does not have as much detail as the 2010.  


There's an e-mail address at the end of the 2013 report to address any questions.  Might be worth sending them an e-mail to see what the explanation is.   I read the entire 2013 report and they make no mention of why it's not as detailed as previous reports aside from not reporting on data with less than 10 respondents.

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Here are some stats for Cali:


Overall stats, All PA's in < 4yr Exp. Bracket

< 4 years exp = 90,000(50th%), 100,000(75th%)


Specialties, All Exp. Brackets

Primary care = 90,000(50th%), 103,750(75th%)

Surgery = 106,000(50th%), 120,000(75th%)

IM = 100,000(50th%), 110,000(75th%)

Other = 102,000(50th%), 117,500(75th%)


*They did not distinguish between North and South Cali.

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Just wanted to throw this out there, but the 2010 report had 15,245 people respond to the survey and per page 10 of the 2013 report "More than 18,000 PA's responded to the survey." It seems some states may have had less respondents, but overall more people responded. Again I have to say this report is lazy...IMHO

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