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Any Preceptors in the SF-Bay AREA for Current PA Student on Rotations.

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I am a second year Physician Assistant student currently on rotation and I am looking for any preceptors in the San Francisco area. Specifically, Kaiser in SF where agreements have already been established with my school. Preceptors can either be a MD, DO, PA, or NP. I am looking to secure rotations in Dermatology, Pediatrics, OBGYN, Pain Management/Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine or Psyc.


Please let me know if there is someone out there that I can contact.


My dream is to live in San Francisco and be a hardworking, future Physician Assistant for this city.


I can provide a CV for you to view. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I look forward to hearing from you.



Thank you for your time,


Susan C

Physician Assistant Student

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