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Seasoned PA, Interview questions

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For those who are experienced and exploring new options (haven't done so in many years), is it expected that the organization review their expectations for the position such as daily numbers, expectations, and such or should it be left to the interviewee to bring it up?  Second question; should salary/benefit numbers be brought up in initial meet/greet session (seems obvious that it should, but if others are being interviewed for same position then it seems to me that this first encounter should be about "feeling each other out") and that a second meeting would be arranged to iron out the details.  I have always assumed that this should be left to the organization doing the hiring to bring up.  When I've asked about a range during initial phone contact to setup an appointment to meet there are never definitive answers provided.


Whenever I was involved with interviewing potential hires I always gave them an idea of what the position entailed, expected volume, etc..  I realize that for large entities many have their benefits package posted at their website, but I wasn't sure how smaller practices would handle this.


I'd appreciate any insight from those who have interviewed recently.

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as the interviewee (looking for a job)   I would NOT bring up pay or benefits in the first round 


As the interviewer - I would communicate salary range, and loose descriptions of benefits.  Prevents the waste of time that can occur when the job is simply to low paying or the bennies are horrible - why do a second interview for a job that is way below the requirements.




as the person looking for a job...... it is a sales game - you need to present yourself well and sometimes (if they demand it) throwing out the high range for salary can actually make you look more desirable - that whole sales thing......  Make them fall in love with you and then talk $$$




hard to say beyond this...

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if they ask me what I want for money, I counter with, "well, what is your budget for this position?".


otherwise, it's too easy to highball or lowball yourself. any place making a hire has already determined a pay rate they are willing and able to offer. sometimes they'll go a little higher if they love you; they can make it work. but they will ALWAYS pay lower if they can get away with it.


if they keep puching me, I usually have already done my research on what is reasonable for that specialty in my geographical area (salary.com) and go with the higher end if I am experienced, lower- to mid-end if I am not. sometimes I offer to go lower for 6 mos if I am not experienced with an agreement to assess my performance at 6 mons and come up to an (agreed-upon) higher salary if they are happy.


don't go there on the first interview unless they do. first interview is for checking "the fit" -- your comfort and theirs.


I think it's completely right and necessary to ask about patient volume, scheduling, clinical and admin support, how much time they expect you to spend with new patients, returning patients...you know.


good luck :)

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