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Getting a New job questions - please help!!

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Okay so still sort of new grad...I started a job that is not working and have been there about 2 weeks. Now i found what seems like the job of my dreams, and am unsure if I can get away with leaving out that I ever worked at that job ( dont want to seem like i am a bad employee). The job i am at now is not working for the number one reason that I do not trust the doctor I work for, the doctors ways go against much what I have learned and i just do not feel comfortable practicing what I dont beleive is true medicine. So anyway, going to meet with potential (keeping my fingers crossed) new employer, and was wondering if it is possible to leave out this recent job and still call myself a new grad? I already have npi and dea, and am not sure if it is possible to have these things without having been employeed? Do you get a new dea if you change practices? After the "credentialing process", is there anyway that a new employer will find out I already was emplyeed once they begin my credentialing? Thanks for any help!

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In the interest of keeping the new job, I'd recommend full disclosure.  The medical community is not so big that you can keep an entire job a secret.  It sounds like your reasons for leaving are legit - that should be reason enough to explain it to the new employer.  The conversation should start something like, "I want to be up front - I'm already employed at XYZ clinic and have found it to be an eye-opening experience - I have some concerns with how the practice is run, the doc is entrenched and I won't be able to change that, so I'm looking for other options.  I may have been too hasty in agreeing to the job without knowing enough about the doc I would be working with." 


However, if you aren't up front and they do find out that you were employed, then they'll likely fire you on the spot, especially if they ask about employment history and you deny it. 


But let me give you my honest opinion: this shouldn't even be a question that you have.  This, to me, is a no-brainer.  You're practicing medicine.  You need to have unimpeachable integrity above all else.  Sometimes that means being honest to the point that it may not help you a ton, or even may hurt you. 


Hope that helps.



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I agree. Do not pretend that you never had a PA job. You are under no compulsion to work anywhere you decide that you don't want to. That's kind of what "the pursuit of happiness" is all about.


It may be possible, however, that the doc you leave will want you to pay him back for the DEA number (if he paid for it and yes, it moves with you) and any other out of picket expenses.

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I know that when I was credentialed for my most recent position I had to disclose everywhere I had ever worked in a medical position (including as a LNA before I went back to school) and any malpractice coverage I had ever held. My DEA and NPI followed me from one state to another and in the credentialing process they looked into that as well. 


With that being said, I would be honest, because in the credentialing process they will most likely find out/need that info anyway. A lot of PAs switch jobs after a short period of time right out of school. I would be honest with why you would like to leave your current position without being negative. 

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