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GRE Preparation

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If you aren't great with verbal, I definitely recommend getting vocab flashcards - I got the Kaplan ones.  I also got the Princeton Review book and the Barron's book. They were both pretty good. Also make sure you take advantage of the 2 free practice tests on the GRE site since they are closest to the real thing. Good luck!

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I echo the comment about the practice tests.


I would also download their math review. I had had the math many years before and I needed to brush up. The 60 page document at the GRE website was just the ticket.


My final GRE score was very close to what I got on their practice test.


Good luck.

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I used the GRE prep book from ETS, which was helpful and had lots of test questions and "background" for the test itself. It does a solid job of teaching the quantitative section, especially. UGoLong is right -- download the "how to do the Quant section" document from ETS for free. I put it in a binder, and found myself referring to it early and often.

Do online practice tests, I think the ETS book included a CD with the same practice tests they offer online for free. Get used to the format, and get used to doing problems against the clock. The test happens a lot faster than you think it does. If you get used to working while on a clock, that converts the pressure and "mental game" into something that's on your side.


There are a lot of good resources on, believe it or not, YouTube, to help expose you to the different types of problems. The hosts will do the problems on video, so you can see the processes (and they offer a lot of helpful test hints along the way). I found the videos by user GrockitEducation to be particularly helpful and entertaining.


I performed according to plan on the GRE without having seen a lot of the quantitative stuff since middle and high school. Good luck!

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One last suggestion for you. I used mygretutor.com and was able to score above the mean for all of the schools I've applied to this cycle. I think it's something like $20 for unlimited lifetime access to the site. What I like about is this: the qualitative/quantitative questions are all broken down with explanations should you get the question wrong and the ability to select "hint" to see a bit of the framework needed for the problem. This was crucial to me when reviewing algebra/geometric concepts because I was able to see what I was doing wrong and get to utilize hints if needed to see where I should proceed with the problem. The site also has access to 4 GRE simulations that are set up exactly like the computerized version of the test. My Kaplan/princeton books are collecting dust under my bed, this site was the only thing I needed to score well on the GRE. Best of luck!

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