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Second job

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I was just accepted to a PA program and I am looking down the road at paying down my loan debt. After PA school, I will have around 200K in student loans (undergrad, PhD, and PA school combined). I intend to apply to loan repayment programs, but there is no guarantee that I will get into one. Therefore, I am wondering about the reality of possibly picking up a extra part-time (15-20 hrs/wk) job in a second practice to help pay down my debt. Has anyone had any experience with taking on multiple jobs, especially as a new grad? Thanks!

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I worked two part time jobs my first 3-4 years out and then added a locums position. It was a great experience and I learned fast! Plus I had 3 kids in high school who were all soon to graduate and the extra money help pay their tuition. I did not regret it at all but was a bit of a work-a holic for the first 6 years out of school. Now, kids out of college, two married, empty nester and I work at one practice. Love my weekends off.

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Thanks, cupojava. I think I will probably split my time between basic research and getting as many hours as I can in urgent care. As long as I do 20 hr/week of research at a non-profit institution I can get loan repayment from NIH, which shouldn't be too difficult. Good point about the non-compete clause. I will keep that in mind.

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