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Anyone out there?

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I'm just bumping this thread and seeing if there are any UMES PA applicants or students out there! I would love to hear from some who are applying this round or planning to apply next year...Also, those who are starting this fall are welcome to chime in and hopefully let us know how the program is as the year progresses.

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I emailed them some questions about the prereqs but never heard back so I gave them a call this week and they were very helpful. Where are you from, Kanga? I see you applied to a mix of places so I was wondering what your motivation for applying to UMES was.


Same for you, Anh... are you from the Eastern Shore?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose that's to be expected since people have until Nov 1 to get applications in, and then you have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years slowing everything down. I'm sure it makes for a nerve wracking holiday season, though. Keep me posted. I wish more people would come on this thread!


PS have any of you heard anything about an open house on October 11? 

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Sorry it took me so long to respond back, I'm from Texas. I only got an email saying they have my CASPA and interviews start jan 27th


I have an interview elsewhere for a program starting In jan so if I get into that one, I'll have to withdraw my app here. I wish they started interviews sooner. Anyone get any invites?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The schedule at UMES looks brutal. I am wondering why they have it set up that way (M-F 8am to 9pm, from what I recall). I can't wait for the spring open house so I can ask some of the current students about that.


Edit: Well, spring schedule is out and it looks 1000x better. M-R and done by 2 on M, 3 on W, and 5 on TR. I was wondering how anyone would even have time to study after looking at the fall class schedule!

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The schedule at UMES looks brutal. I am wondering why they have it set up that way (M-F 8am to 9pm, from what I recall). I can't wait for the spring open house so I can ask some of the current students about that.


Edit: Well, spring schedule is out and it looks 1000x better. M-R and done by 2 on M, 3 on W, and 5 on TR. I was wondering how anyone would even have time to study after looking at the fall class schedule!

My friend who applied with me had some insight.  From the best of my understanding, there are time gaps throughout the day.  It isn't straight through M-F 8am to 9pm every single day.  But a student should be expected to be available during the times you mentioned.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I also got an email saying that I was being considered for an interview.  I'm considering whether or not to pursue this.  I've been accepted to another school and have already put down $1500 in deposits, but UMES would be a much cheaper program.  Maybe I should pursue this and see how it works out, then decide.

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