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  1. Does anyone know if they are sending out interviews or if they even started. I applied in May and havent heard anything back except that they received my application.
  2. Yes, I think it would be good to attend just to ask questions or learn more about the program.
  3. I applied in August received an email saying my application is under committee review and they will be sending out application decisions on a weekly basis.
  4. Applied to this school in June and still havent heard anything back.
  5. Received an email that they are no longer doing anymore interviews and have completed their interviews for this cycle
  6. Just wanted to start this thread as I didnt see one. Good luck everyone
  7. Got waitlisted as well, I did reach out to them to ask how they will select. They stated they dont rank their applicants and when spots open up they go on a case by case. Not sure what that means, but that is the update.
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