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  1. Replying so I can follow this. I was looking into these exact things this morning and it was all so confusing.
  2. Hi everyone! I am a current S3 Drexel student, and I wish everyone the best of luck this year! For those who keep asking, Drexel is most definitely still interviewing. Interviews will continue until January/February, so don't lose hope!
  3. Hi, I am a current S1 and just wanted to say my friend in the program submitted her app very late and got an interview in February! She was the very last slot for interviews. Do not loose hope, they run their interviews far into the year.
  4. Hi there, I am an accepted student and starting this fall as well. I was invited to interview roughly in late July for an early August interview. It was pretty close--I had like a week and a half to prepare.
  5. Hey guys! Just received a rejection via email a couple minutes ago. Also did not interview. I take it that this schools cycle is at a close!
  6. It took me about a week and a half to get the online acceptance letter. The one in the mail took even longer...like a month I think.
  7. Interviewed 10/22 and received a rejection notice this morning. It seems they do send out final notices! Good luck to the future PAs accepted to this wonderful program.
  8. Hey guys! Waitlisted without interview, and just now got the rejection email. It states the seats are filled and they are officially closing their app cycle. Good luck to the future PAs accepted to this great program!
  9. Nothing yet, but I now will be checking my email like a crazy person lol
  10. Received a rejection w/o interview this morning. Good luck to the future class!! Seems like a good program.
  11. I was/am. I reached out to some future classmates and they had reached out to others who graduated or are in the program. PM me and I can give you more details.
  12. Waiting for this too. I interviewed 10/22 and Kay said something about us knowing within the next two weeks from then.
  13. Today is the day!!!! I hardly slept last night because I was so excited lol. Here's to hoping. Good luck to all the lovely people I met on 10/22.
  14. For people who interviewed yesterday, did Kay say calls would go out Monday or was it more of calls would go out in the next two weeks? I didn't quite understand.
  15. Just received an email saying I was put on a hold. Better than an outright rejection IMO haha! They said the latest I will know id December 1st.
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