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Education post PA school

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What kind of education is required or beneficial for PA's after PA school? Do many go on to get PhD's? If so, in what? Would the choice between getting a B.S. in Nursing vs. getting a B.S. in a science such as Biology affect the type of education pursued after getting a Master's in P.A. studies at all?


Are there any types of further education that would help "fill in the gaps" between what is learned in P.A. school vs. what is learned in a proper (MD) medical school?

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A proper medical school?

By this you infer a lot. Care to restate?


Apologies. I meant no offense. I was thinking about further studies that might cover some of what is learned in an MD program that might not be covered in a PA program.

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No offense taken...


There are some people that are pushing for bridge programs to get your MD later on, but as of now PA is it. Of course, you are welcome to get a doctorate in public health or some other topic but I don't think there is a doctorate that will "fill in the gaps." Those gaps will be filled in as you work and gain experience, at least, that's the idea.

Really though, if you think you want to be an MD or have the status of an MD, go to medical school. Summers off, longer breaks, time to work in between semesters, 4 years of residency... its a golden opportunity (for someone besides myself;) ).

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It really is a good idea to work somewhere in healthcare. Its a great way to see how every position fits into the team and it might help you to make some decisions. Since you are still deciding on your bachelor's, it looks like you have time to do some research. Good luck!!

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Honestly, I'm not sure I'm cut out for P.A. school either, but it's an option I'm considering.


It takes a very mature person to admit that and it's rare to see it on this message board. The fact that you're here and asking quality questions makes me think that you may be more "cut out for P.A. school" than you think. Keep plugging away.

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