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Prerequisite Courses

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  • 2 years later...
All prerequisite courses must be completed no later than August 1st for the incoming year.


This is from their website. They give lots of time to finish the prereqs =)


Touro University - Admissions - PA Prerequisites


Is this still true? Because on their site it now says "All pre-requisite coursework must be completed prior to submission of the CASPA primary application." Also they require 5 quarter units of stats? How does that work? My university only offered 4 quarter unit for stats...

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  • 2 months later...

I'm wondering the same thing. Also, does it have to be CASPA INITIAL submission or CASPA admission TO Touro? I am planning on adding Touro to my CASPA application when I'm done with one outstanding prerequisite (Biology 2, end of August) and I'm wondering if its going to get rejected now.

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Is this still true? Because on their site it now says "All pre-requisite coursework must be completed prior to submission of the CASPA primary application." Also they require 5 quarter units of stats? How does that work? My university only offered 4 quarter unit for stats...


I wonder if that 5 quarter units for stats might be a typo because 3 semester units is equivalent to 4 quarter units.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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