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Clinical Year Study habits

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Hey there I'm currently wrapping up my 2nd semester of PA school and have pretty much established my personal study routine. I'm wondering how I will need to adjust for rotations this summer. Do you find yourself studying for day to day clinical situations or focusing on EOR exams? Also how many hours/night & weekends?



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I highly recommend studying the situations you're actually seeing.  When you can attach a name and a face to a condition and treatment plan, that really gels things.  When I think about situations I learned in clinical rotations, I have patients' faces (I've forgotten most of the names by now.  Most, not all) attached to the learning. There is nothing that can make life more memorable than real patients depending on you.

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  • 2 weeks later...


One thing to add though is you are likely on the hook for an end of rotation exam.

If using the PAEA, there is a content blueprint and topic list.

They can vary dependent upon the rotation as to focus.

Regardless, many of the topics can be consolidated or associated along a spectrum to 'chunk' together.

You don't relate what your assessments for rotations are and what they count towards final rotation grade.

If you are pass/fail for clinical year, count your lucky stars. If not, then pay attention to what the components and percentages of final grade.

I would caution that you will likely not be exposed to everything you will be held responsible for on a clinical rotation. Medicine is seasonal and timely as to presentation of conditions.

That means paying attention to not only what you see daily but having insight into what you are not seeing but still held accountable for.

Good luck


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