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Low GRE Writing Score - How Worried Should I be?

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I just received my GRE scores and I got 155 on both the verbal reasoning (67th percentile) and the quantitative reasoning (60th percentile), which I'm satisfied with. From everything I've researched these scores are within the range of students who get accepted into programs. What I'm worried about is that I got a 3.0 (15th percentile) on my analytical writing essays. However, I'm unsure as to how worried about this I should be.. I'm going to have a high GPA, good letters of recommendation, and plenty of patient care hours, so as long as I display good writing on my personal statement and supplemental application essays I should be fine.. right?

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You'll be fine.  I was in the same exact boat a few months ago.  I have no idea why my writing score was so low, I didn't think I did that terribly.  Guess it just isn't my strong point. 

cGPA 3.62

sGPA 3.41 

GRE V: 155 Q: 150 Writing: 3.0 also

PCE: 2,350 EMT 

I applied to 7 schools, got interviews at 4, attended 3 interviews and got accepted at all three.  Going to my first choice! 


Good luck! 

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