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Why I like Exam Masters

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I took a long time to "study" which study tool to use for my first PANRE. I took the PANCE and studied with USLME Step 2 which had multiple questions taken from the High Yield quick facts section in the back of the book. I also used the yellow Lang and the purple AAPA book with the questions. Passed just fine.


Of course after being out of FP material for 6 years, I am little scared to take the PANRE. IM for 1.5 years, Pain management for 1.5 years, radiation oncology for 1.5 years, back to pain management currently. So I plan on using the USLME Step 2 CK, Katzung's Trevor's Pharmacology review (since seeing all the post of increased pharm content), practice questions (Exam Masters is only $19, or AAPA for $30), might get recent AAPA or most recent Van Rhee- not sure yet. I purchased Exam Master's and will explain why.


FYI- another option...Check out UMDNJ video review (internet but not live) which goes by the NCCPA Blueprint Content. They give a 20 minutes sample of their product once you log in for "Acute MI." It seems like a nice review for those that like to see a face and some Power Point Slides. I personally wanted more questions. It is $275 for 5 modules or you can purchase the single module for $75. It IS accredited by the NCCPA. One purchase goes from year to year I BELIEVE. The current subscription goes until 10/26/11. You can print the PDF links of the content also. Added bonus of CAT 1 CME af about 5 per module. Check it out here...http://www.mycme.com/eproduct/5825/


Kaplan QBank- Does not use NCCPA content Blueprint. No CME available. Not NCCPA accredited. They do not have sample Q-Bank (just sample video series). Based on reviews of others good explanations but not long explanations ("nitty gritty"). 1 month rx $109, 2 month $149, 3 month $189, 6 month $329, 1 year $429. Has gotten pretty good raves. 1200 questions. http://www.kaptest.com/PANCE/PANCE-Prep/pance-qbank.html


PAC Prep- NOT AVAILABLE for Mac users. Come on people this is insane! This is 2011! TO me, who uses IBM compatibles at home anymore??? (sorry PC users). Main reason why I did not purchase. "Over 840" questions, so maybe 841 questions :) $169 and its yours to keep forever! Did I say its not MAC compatible???? I believe is Blueprint content associated and cannot find if NCCPA accredited. Does give example on this page...http://www.datachemsoftware.com/pacprep.htm


CME Resources- most expensive, NCCPA Blueprint associated, CME's available, sound like awesome course, intense. However, most expensive and you likely have to travel. I cannot do that with my family (4 kids!, I can't stand being away from them).http://www.cmeresources.com/


Exam Master- 2670 questions! Yes 2670 questions! Here is why I like it. Is it long and involved in the questions, yes. Is it worth it? Yes. We are talking about the PANRE here. If you don't pass then no license= no job= no money= no food= divorce. Can't let that happen. You can make a 2670 questions test if you want. Or you can make a 240 question test (set it up like new changes for 6/1/11). Not only can you do that. You can select cardio and make questions (there are so many questions per system, 269 total questions for cardiac). You can also select cardiac then you can even select questions on H&P for cardiac, diagnostic testing, or health maintenance for cardiac etc. you can make a 1 question or again a 2670 question test. for 3 month rx you pay only $138, best deal out there. 6 month $189. You can even get 2 week or a month or a year. It is NOT NCCPA accredited.


The best thing about Exam Master is their explanation of the answer. After taking the test, which you can give yourself 1 min to 3 min for each question. You can then review your answers, then retake the exam if you want or you can review the questions with the answers. Then you can select the explanation. Here is where Exam Master shines. When you are given 5 possible answers and you get it wrong (or right of course) then it will explain each answer in detail and then why the other selections are wrong and even the detail for those condition. For example question about congenital cardiac disease- your options of coarcation, PDA, VSD, Tetrology of fallot. It will tell you why coarction is the answer, the key points to coarctation (rib notching on x-ray, physical exam findings, symptoms). It is giving you the pearls that are tested. Not only for the answer but for the other possibilities that were not correct. So you are actually studying and reviewing 5-6 Blueprint content diseases/conditions on a single question. So, is it involved- yes. Is it time consuming? Depends on how you look at it. I like the fact that I am studying several things at once. Because when it comes to the PANRE and you see these options, you have been used to seeing these options together so you can better pick the answer. http://www.exammaster.com/other-health-fields/panre-practice-exam


Other additive- Iphone app, times you (lets you now how much you have studied), can score what you have done all kinds of ways like percentages, make your own electronic flash cards, you can attach your own notes to each question in study mode, you can bring up normal lab values on screen (like PANCE/PANRE), you can highlight what you think is the answer and cross out what you know it not. You can pause at any time and pick up where you left off. You can go back and forth between how ever many tests you make, you can name the test also- very configurable.


My employer has already paid Over $5000 for CME (when given $2000) so cost was an issue for me. Exam Master to me had the most questions, best explanations, most configurable, and easy to use.


Just consider it and good luck! I am scheduled for 8/11!

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