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Comparing NM PA program

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I am deciding which school (St. Francis or UNM) I'd be best suited at. Yes, I plan on applying to both (and a few others) but would like some feedback on these two programs specifically... Please provide any info (current/past students) you think would be helpful in deciding where to go should I get accepted into both....


Ex) UNM - med school component is a plus? cheaper by a lot! no out of state requirement a plus!

St Francis - more students accepted, bigger program, out of state options could be cool


etc! Tell me what you liked and didn't like about each program!

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I mean that in speaking with students and admissions people I have learned that while UNM keeps all of their rotations in state (not necessarily in ABQ) except if requested to go out of state, St. Francis can only guarantee they'll try... meaning that if something happens and a local site falls through, you could be shipped out somewhere else for a rotation like it or not.... difficult for people with families, etc. but awesome for those interested in travel...


Any students able to weigh in on pros and cons of these schools?!?!

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I am in NM now... about 10 miles from either place. I know all about admissions, and the general curriculum is similar... what I want to know about is the day-to-day life of the schools. I would like students to tell me the pros and cons they have faced AFTER getting in, and why they chose where they did, and whether they would choose differently if they had it to do over...

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I had friends who went to both programs:


St. Francis: I was told they loved their instructors, fellow students, and the administration. They felt it was an amazing learning environment. The only real issues I heard reported were cost, and the lack of rotations at UNMH. Which really only means that you are going to miss out on good trauma experience since they are the only trauma center for several hundred miles in any direction. They also didn't like having to drive several hours each way to the middle of nowhere for some of their clinicals. All four of my friends who are in, or finished, their education at St. Francis stated they would do it again, and loved their time there.


UNM: I was told that they loved the cost, their fellow students, and the unparalleled opportunities that access to UNMH gave them. UNMH has it all as far as clinical rotations go, and they liked that. Also they take several classes with the med students, and they thought that was amazing. On the other hand they also reported that they sometimes felt like second class citizens on their rotations. They sometimes had a hard time getting the procedures and such that the med students got, because the med students got first dibs (and they sometimes had to fight for spots with NP students, nursing students, RT students, residents, etc.). However both the people I know in that program loved it, and said they would do it again.


If, by some chance, you are accepted to both my personal advice would be to visit both, and see if you can sit in on a class. The one you feel more comfortable in should be the one you choose.

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry if this reply is way late. I am currently a second year at UNM and I love it. I've had the chance to rub elbows with a lot of the St Francis students and they love their school as well. The classes with the med students are top notch and it allows PAs to show they can perform at that level. The anatomy lab is brand new, state of the art. If you visit UNM, see if you can get in there because it's really nice. I did my ER rotation at UNMH and I got to see some really neat cases that I probably wouldn't see anywhere else in the state.

Hope that helps.

Any specific questions?



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