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Mal Practice Insurance - - Highly Recommend This One

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I've had Physician's Insurance for about 8 years. When I went to start my own clinic, they treated me very poorly, as being invisible. They only see doctors as the provider and PAs as their servants. They even told my alternate SP to not get involved with me because I own the practice. They wrote me a policy but it took them three months and it is a crappy policy (where my company and myself are ridesr on my SP's policy and he only sees patients twice a month).


However, I was given the name of David Smith at Western States Insurance by another PA-Practice owner. He treated me extremely well. He fought hard on my behalf and set me up with a policy with Med Pro, which acknowledges me as the practice owner and the MD as MY employee, something PI would never do.


So, as a thank you to Dave (my idea not his) I want to encourage any PA looking for malpractice insurance to consider him as your agent and Pro Med as the insurer. See his information below:



David Smith


Customer Service Agent


Western States Insurance Agency


390 Bradley Blvd, Richland WA 99352


Email: broberts@wsi-insurance.com


Direct Line (509) 946-2619


Fax Line (509) 946-0715

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