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What is it like working with Indian Health Service (IHS)?

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Worked for them right out of school...  for 4 months.  Actually, it was 4 mos full time and then another year-and-a-half part time.  I liked it well enough.  The patients were great; very complex, but very appreciative.  Got to see a lot of neat stuff - stuff you don't see in other populations.  Got pretty good at diabetes management with just the basic tools.  I have often wanted to go back to work for them.  The need is great.


2 problems: 1. The clinic was 45 minutes from home in perfect weather.  Lots of time spent driving.  2. The management of the clinic was atrocious.  The director who hired me was fired 3 months after I came on board.  The medical providers who supported her became the next targets for the ire of anyone in the chain who wanted her job.  Morale was low.  So, I decided to have a backup plan in case I did get the axe; the backup plan turned into a better job closer to home. 

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I worked for IHS as a contractor, and later as a permanent employee.  I very much appreciated the opportunity to learn about my patients' culture, and was proud to be part of the organization.  Unfortunately, the clinic atmosphere and morale deteriorated when the director began treating it as a personal family employment agency.   Friends were part of administration, and got away with whatever they pleased.  Another provider began openly criticizing the medical director's patient care, undermining everyone's clinical skills but his own. 


One day the head office person, the director's buddy, screamed at me threateningly.  I filed a complaint with the region, but they blew it off.  I transferred out to another agency.  I recently looked at another IHS position, but HR started finding all sorts of excuses about missing documentation, etc, basically looking for any reason to not process my application.  I had figured I'd be blackballed for talking back.  I might add that I have never filed any complaint about anyone in my PA career of almost 20 years.


I think that the quality of IHS facilities depends a lot on the regional office.  There is a lot of abuse of position and fiduciary issues at some of the smaller clinics.  It's a shame, and it can be a great and interesting place to work.

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I agree with weezianna.  I work as a direct hire at a reservation.  The internal politics are awful.  The opportunity to practice at the top of your license (especially in a small tribe) is awesome.  Morale can be bad when nepotism occurs and employees can not be assured of job security.  Tribal councils change every two years so your job can be at risk if a new president and others are elected.  Generally, the clinic is spared because they know they need qualified personnel, but not always.


Fiduciary issues in small clinics? Heck yeah!!!!!  Sometimes you wonder where did the money go and into whose pocket?  


My motto has always been "Learn to be a professional schizophrenic in order to survive". 

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