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Michigan PAs? How many on this forum?

Guest Paula

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How many MI PAs/PA students are on the Forum?


Are any of you involved with MAPA and if so, are you willing to work with MI on updating the MI Public Health Code?


We have a perfect opportunity to lobby for improved practice with the new National Governor's White paper out.


MAPA lobby guy has had a conversation with pertinent people in higher places and after the lame duck session is over we may be able to go forward starting in January with re-submitting Senator Marleau's bill.


PM me if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get involved in any capacity.  It might involve asking your employer to support changes, or you writing a letter or going to lobby day at the capital or joining MAPA,  or discussing with your collaborating physician(s) why the bill will help MI families and patients.


Let's do it!


Michigan is one of the best states to work in and may be poised to approach the collaboration concept once again and removing the language of supervision from our laws.  



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