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I was just given an offer for per diem in the ER. The job consists of 24 hour shifts and I would be the only provider. I did two rotations here and know I will be seeing anything from the common cold to full codes/ traumas. 


No benefits because it is per diem and they offered $51 an hour. I feel this is kind of low based on the fact they are 24 hour shifts and I am on my own and it is the ER. Many of my classmates are signed contracts for 45-55 an hour full time, which includes benefits. 



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This will sound harsh.

A new grad has no business being in an ED by themselves for 24 hours. This is not a good idea for you or your career. I question the thought process that came about to provide you with an offer. If you were fresh out of an ED residency, maybe a consideration. Fresh out of PA school....no.

$51 an hour is ridiculous. Period.

Here is some math. A base salary in this situation would be a minimum 120k(should be really 150k, I know what is expected of you in these places) for a 2080 work year, about $57 per hour.

Since there are no bennies paid and most bennies run about 30% of salary, that should be added into hourly rate.

So more like $75 per hour.

But someone who knows what they are doing would ask for $100 per hour. 

Good luck but dont put yourself in this position.

G Brothers PA-C

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