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Suture kits

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I'm a poor 2nd year and want to practice my suturing. Any suggestions on where I can get some inexpensive bulk sutures? Some of my friends got some bulk ones on amazon but they had so many weird sizes - 1/2 weren't used. I'm looking for something basic, like maybe a bunch of 3-0 to 6-0s.


Also - any suggestions on what to practice on? We bough fake skin, which was expensive. And mine is torne apart at this point. I heard pigs feet (skeeves me out a bit as a vegetarian) and banana peels are good. Anything else somebody would suggest?



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I know Ethicon has a free knott tying suture kit that's available to PA students. You can find that by following this link:



You can also purchase expired sutures online.

Here is a website I found with a quick google search that even offers $1 expired sutures:



We use pigs feet for our suture labs at our school which you can by at any local market. Make sure if you do get pigs feet its not the smoked one because those are very leather like. So you have to get the raw / unprocessed pigs feet. 

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